2024 Labour Day Conference
"Make us, the Body, Grow up into Christ the Head!"

Audio Files


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Mike Attwood Growth in Love: Body Life Plenary 1 MA-P1
Mike Attwood Growth in Power: Gospel Testimony Plenary 2 MA-P2
Mike Attwood Growth in Holiness: Discipline and Devotedness Plenary 3 MA-P3
Mike Attwood Hindrences to Spiritual Growth Seminar 1 MA-S1
Mike Attwood Prayer and the Prayer Evening Seminar 2 MA-S2
Mike Attwood Personal Spiritual Growth Seminar 3 MA-S3
Jeff Johnson The Lord's Supper: A Metric of a Healthy Assembly Plenary 1 JJ-P1
Jeff Johnson The Church: Its Method Plenary 2 JJ-P2
Jeff Johnson Building a New Testament Assembly: Its Motivation Plenary 3 JJ-P3
Jeff Johnson Body Life Through Joint Participation Seminar 1 JJ-BL
Jan Johnson The Feminine Factor coming soon JJ-FF

Dennis O'Brien

  Testimony DO-T
Panel Discussion     Panel
Q & A Session     QandA